IT IS STILL NOT EMMA WILLARD SCHOOL POLICY TO CALL 911/POLICE if sexual assault on campus has occurred. I'm not sure I need to elaborate on why this is a failed school policy. Institutions that want to "handle" their own "investigations" as opposed to allowing police on campus obstruct justice to serve their own egos.
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Emma Willard School hosted my 20th high school reunion this weekend. Three of the four administrators I told about my rape in 1998 RSVP'd that they would be attending the 2018 reunion and we have learned they attended the 2017 reunion as well. They were celebrated in a "Welcome Back to Campus" email I received from the reunion committee. I was bound and anally raped in 1998 by Scott Sargent, my history professor/soccer coach at Emma Willard School. After telling school administrators about my rape, they bought me a one-way ticket to New Orleans, failed to report it to the police, and continued to let my rapist teach. Interim Head of School Sue Groesbeck and Current Head of School Jenny Rao: You need to explain why you feel/felt these admins are welcome on campus.
Under no circumstances does the school misunderstand what these individuals did to me and other students. Per a report, Robin Robertson, Trudy Hanmer, Jack Easterling, Judy Bridges and other high ranking admins concealed sexual assaults for 70+ years in their official roles at Emma Willard School by failing to call police and take other actions. The report released in 2017 by the school acknowledged that 105 students were victims of some form of sexual abuse under many of these leaders. The Troy Police department has said that all of the victims that can be identified in the report have timed out under the current statute of limitations. The school welcomes these administrators back for brunch because police could take no action. This is not bad optics, this is the culture Emma Willard refuses to abandon. NY laws are equally culpable. We see these systemic failures across the nation, and they are UNACCEPTABLE.